Thursday, December 2, 2010

Time to get moving ... by Dave Berry

OK, Amy, it's time.
Time for me to get serious about getting fit, time to get moving, time to make time in my life for fitness.
And, TIME -- it seems -- will be my biggest nemesis. 
As editor of the Tyler Morning Telegraph, I find it terribly difficult to let go and leave the job behind -- even for a short time. Carving out "me time" has always been a challenge.
And the years are not working in my favor. Of the folks involved in the "Under Construction" project, I am undeniably the most chronologically challenged. As an early Baby Boomer, I should admit my project is less like new construction and better resembles a "This Old House" rehab.
I'm no fitness buff. I've never been a runner. I don't like the idea of sweating with a roomful of people. I don't like to cook. And I don't take care of myself like I should.
I think I'm pretty ordinary, pretty average.
So, WHY am I doing this?
Let's talk about that in the next post.


  1. "I'm no fitness buff. I've never been a runner. I don't like the idea of sweating with a roomful of people. I don't like to cook. And I don't take care of myself like I should."

    You just summed me up! I'm trying to get the motivation I need to start being more active...but it's difficult. Maybe you'll give me some inspiration.

  2. You are going to do great Dave. Are you coming to the Mayor's Walk on Saturday? If so, we can lag behind her together.

  3. We can do it. My goals are not going to be in terms of weight lost and fitting into my college jeans. Mine are going to be less-measurable things like feeling stronger, having more energy, increasing the distance of my walks with my wife, and maybe climbing Mt. Emory with my daughters. The weight will take care of itself.

  4. This Old House . . . I love it!
